052866 Euchner Joysticks

Product Details
- Weight 1.5435 lb
- Product Class Joystick
- Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 2,5 kV
- Additional feature Bellows X for surface mounting
- Utilization category acc. to EN 60947-5-1 230V 4A
- Switching current min.12 mA
- Connection Screw terminal
- Switching voltage min.10 V
- Actuating directions max.2 Max. 3 positions (0-1-2) possible per type and direction
- Rated insulation voltage Ui 250 V
- Short circuit protection according to IEC 60269-1 Slow-blow T6 / quick-blow F10
- Material Housing thermoplastic/aluminum
- Ambient temperature -25 ... 65 °C Latching version
- Switching principle changeover contact C IEC 947-5-1 (Snap-action contact element, design ES556)
- Contact material Silver alloy
- Degree of protection IP65 (Version X)
- Mounting method Panel cut-out depending on version X or W (See drawing panel cut-out)
- Weight 0,75 kg
- Mechanical life 1 x 10⁶
- Number of monitoring contacts max.4 4 (2 directions x 2 switching elements)
Product condition
New Factory Sealed
New Factory Sealed - New condition, never used, original OEM part with original packaging and factory seal.
The price of 052866 on MQ Automation is $365.10. Order now.
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Product Class
Rated impulse withstand v...
Additional feature
Utilization category acc....
Switching current
Switching voltage
Actuating directions
Rated insulation voltage ...
Short circuit protection ...
Ambient temperature
Switching principle
Contact material
Degree of protection
Mounting method
Mechanical life
Number of monitoring cont...
Performance Level
Connection cross-section
Solenoid duty cycle
Connection rating
Solenoid operating voltag...
Thermal rated current Ith
Insertion depth
Actuating force
Locking force FZh
Retention force
Extraction force
Locking force Fmax
Actuation frequency
Guard locking principle
Approach speed
Installation orientation
Number of door position N...
Number of guard lock moni...
Number of guard lock moni...
Housing material
Selected product
Weight1.5435 lb
Product ClassJoystick
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp2,5 kV
Additional featureBellows X for surface mounti...
Utilization category acc. to EN 60947-5-1230V 4A
Switching currentmin.12 mA
ConnectionScrew terminal
Switching voltagemin.10 V
Actuating directionsmax.2 Max. 3 positions (0-...
Rated insulation voltage Ui250 V
Short circuit protection according to IEC 60269-1Slow-blow T6 / quick-blow F1...
MaterialHousing thermoplastic/alumin...
Ambient temperature-25 ... 65 °C Latching ver...
Switching principlechangeover contact C IEC 947...
Contact materialSilver alloy
Degree of protectionIP65 (Version X)
Mounting methodPanel cut-out depending on v...
Mechanical life1 x 10⁶
Number of monitoring contactsmax.4 4 (2 directions x 2...
Performance Level-
Connection cross-section-
Solenoid duty cycle-
Connection rating-
Solenoid operating voltage-
Thermal rated current Ith-
Insertion depth-
Actuating force-
Locking force FZh-
Retention force-
Extraction force-
Locking force Fmax-
Actuation frequency-
Guard locking principle-
Approach speed-
Installation orientation-
Number of door position NC contacts-
Number of guard lock monitoring NO contacts-
Number of guard lock monitoring positively driven contacts-
Housing material-
About the manufacturer

As experts in industrial safety engineering, we design and produce customized products and solutions to meet the needs of clients across various industries. Implementing our safety guards on machinery and installations reduces hazards and risks, thereby safeguarding both individuals and processes. With a global team of 800 employees, safety remains our top priority.
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The price of 052866 on MQ Automation is $365.10. Order now.
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052866 Euchner - JOYSTICK
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